Manufacturing Machinery Maintenance: Keep The System Flowing!

If you own a car, you know the importance of maintenance to keep things rolling. You must look for preventative maintenance with any machinery, such as a car, and the idea of regular upkeep, which is ahead of possible breakdowns. With the modern preventive maintenance system, you can avoid time-consuming and costly downtime for repairs; prevented from occurring, designed to:

  1. Predict the onset of component or machine failures
  2. Detect failures before have a significant effect on manufacturing operations
  3. Repair/Replace the machine or components before failure occurs


Scheduling the machinery’s maintenance on terms is through advanced planning for short-term downtime during the most convenient available time for a day or time when the assets are not needed. The convenience of the timing and timing of maintenance in relation to pending or present jobs should be taken into account when scheduling the repair, replacement, or maintenance. Additionally, maximizing the value of the maintenance has a balance made between under-maintaining and over-maintaining the machine.

The paramount considerations have the notions of convenience, balance, and timing regarding the concept of a maintenance system in manufacturing. The shop floor machinery is maintained on a scheduled and timely basis, it keeps the system flow in little, if no productivity loss.


The fitting of maintenance in the production schedule is done. The machinery downtime is anticipated and worked into the schedule to avoid system flow interruption. Maintenance timing can possibly be associated with several convenient and predictable factors, such as:

  • Seasonal use
  • Hours in production
  • Machine age
  • Use history

preventive maintenance

All too often maintenance is based on factors with little to do in any technically based decision. The result is that maintenance is ineffectively detecting the possible onset of failure or duplicating efforts wastefully of some other maintenance efforts. Properly timed preventive maintenance will be structured, such routine is based on actual technical considerations of every machinery.

There is no effective one size fits all maintenance plan as it treats a mix of often complex machines, made and used in the same frequency and way.

Timing and convenience

 With timing and convenience, a balance should be achieved between too little and too much attention to maintenance. Under-maintenance is done at overextended intervals or not at all. The outcome is dangerous to manufacturing operations:

  • Frequent and long-term breakdowns
  • Lost output
  • Lost production
  • High levels of unplanned work

Over-maintenance means performing preventive maintenance at intervals. By performing this rightfully, you can be sure that your machinery keeps working properly and have a productive day.

In conclusion, all the factors of proper maintenance-timing, convenience, and balance are achievable in the manufacturing environment today, using a robust manufacturing software system. The machine maintenance system histories are quickly available for the maintenance supervisors and any downtime associated with repairs or maintenance or new machinery installation.